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Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso
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The install program AND Grocery Manager REQUIRE that VBRUN200.DLL be in one of
the directories in your path, your Windows directory, or your Windows System
directory, or they won't run.
VBRUN200.DLL isn't included in this archive because many people already have
it, it's big (357K), and it is very annoying to have a 357K file included that
you already have. It can be found separately on many BBS'es, and it is
available in library #16 of the WINADV forum on Compuserve as VBRUN2.ZIP.
Be sure a copy of VBRUN200.DLL is in your path, your Windows directory, or
your Windows System directory, then follow the instructions below:
Requirements to run Grocery Manager for Windows
1) Windows 3.x running Standard or Enhanced Mode
2) 698K disk space available (341K if you already have a copy of VBRUN200.DLL).
3) Minimum free memory in Windows to run GMW: 300K
Installing Grocery Manager for Windows (GMW)
Automatic Installation
Unzip GMW104.ZIP onto a floppy or into an empty directory on your
hard drive. While in Windows, start INSTALL.EXE. You will be presented
with a default directory for GMW to be installed into. This can be
changed to anything you want, but please keep GMW in its own
directory. Check the box if you want a program group created
for GMW, and then click on the start button. Click on the Exit
button when the installation is complete, and then delete all files
from the directory you unzipped GMW104.ZIP into.
Files on the floppy that aren't transferred to your hard drive
by the install program are:
Manual Installation
Place VBRUN200.DLL and VBISAMMX.DLL in any directory in your path, your
Windows directory, or your Windows System directory. Create a directory
for GMW, and place all remaining files, except the files on the above
list, into this directory.
GMW Sample Files and a Quick Tour of GMW
Included with GMW are some sample files so you can evaluate GMW
without having to manually enter any data. These files are
copied to your hard drive during the automatic installation. The
sample files will enable you to see how Grocery Manager works.
Immediately after installing GMW, go to the View menu, and
browse through the various screens to view. The sample files are
set up so that you can view or printout a sample menu and
shopping list without going through the usual steps to make one.
Select Shopping List from the View menu. This is an example of
what you would take to the grocery store. Select Menu from the
View menu. This is a sample of a menu that shows what meals are
planned on each day.
When you get to the point that you want to enter your own data,
you may either modify the existing data, or delete it and start
over. To completely delete the data and start over, be sure that
GMW isn't running, and go to the directory that GMW was
installed in and delete all the data files by typing the
following command at a DOS prompt: "Del *.IS?".